Get Naloxone. Get Trained. Save a Life.

Marchese Pharmacy can provide training to you and your group on how to respond to an opioid overdose using nasal (Narcan) and injectable naloxone kits. Kits will be provided to each person attending the training.
Our pharmacists are providing live, contactless training using our virtual platform.
UPDATE: We have resumed providing live, in-person training for groups of 10 or more.
What are the benefits of Naloxone Training?
- Protect and Prepare your Organization
- We train your people with information about opioids and how to assess a potential overdose. Give them the confidence to know what to do if the situation arises. We provide training that outlines best practices in life-saving naloxone intervention while keeping the safety of the rescuer in mind.
- Prevent Overdose Deaths
- Southern Ontario is still in the grips of a worsening opioid epidemic. Thousands of Canadian die every year due to opioid poisoning. Powerful, synthetic drugs, fentanyl and carfentanil continue to kill unsuspecting victims. Naloxone kits and training are critical tools in our arsenal that are effective in reducing senseless overdose deaths.
- Support Your Community
- The opioid epidemic does not discriminate, with death tolls rising and victims of all ages, genders, economic statuses, mothers, grandfathers and children. Our community is in crisis, needing the support of local leaders to act now and save lives.
- Be a Local Leader
- Be a leader in your community, setting a positive example for other groups and individuals to take action. Your participation will show you are connected and engaged with the needs of your community, as well as your coworkers and your clients.
- Protect and Prepare your Organization
What Should I Know about Naloxone?
- Naloxone is a medication that will only work to reverse an opioid overdose. It is a very safe medication to keep and use.
- Virtually no side effects
- Allergies are extremely rare
- Will not affect someone not having an opioid overdose
- Naloxone is a medication that will only work to reverse an opioid overdose. It is a very safe medication to keep and use.
- Everyone trained to use naloxone is protected by the Good Samaritan Act (2001)
- Persons who are helping someone during an overdose are protected from legal liability if they harm the victim
- The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act (2017)
- Some protection from prosecution for simple possession or parole/probation violations
- Everyone trained to use naloxone is protected by the Good Samaritan Act (2001)
Why get trained by Marchese Pharmacy?
Marchese Pharmacy is committed to helping reduce the number of opioid overdose deaths. We are members of the Hamilton Drug Strategy and supporters of the Hamilton Urban Core and Shelter Health Network Overdose Prevention Site. We have trained thousands of individuals over the years including those at the Special Investigations Unit, YWCA, OPSEU, Indwell, McMaster Health Sciences, Mohawk College, triOS College, and many more.
- Training and kits provided by Marchese Health Care focus on the safety of the responder as well as the person having an overdose
- Kits include a CPR mask with one-way valve (safer for the rescuer)
- Easier and safer to use naloxone vials (instead of ampoules)
- Additional materials provided by Health Canada Know More Program
- Training and kits provided by Marchese Health Care focus on the safety of the responder as well as the person having an overdose
Why should I be trained on both kinds of naloxone?
Naloxone spray is excellent, and you should not hesitate to use it if that is your comfort level. However, there are many reasons to also be trained on, and carry, injectable naloxone, including:
- You may not have your naloxone with you, but the victim does. And it is not the one you have been trained on.
- Injectable naloxone is 100% absorbed (i.e. bioavailable) into the body when injected. Nasal spray is less predictable.
- Only injectable naloxone has been demonstrated to be safe and effective even when:
- Frozen, thawed, brought to body temperature, and used immediately (University of Waterloo, Faculty of Pharmacy)
- Heated to temperatures as high as 80C, cooled to body temperature, then used
- If you are concerned about harm from getting poked by the needle, remember:
- The syringe, needle, and injectable naloxone provided are sterile, so can’t get any infection that way
- If you get a little naloxone in you by accident, it will not harm you. It only blocks the effects of opioids in the body. If you are not taking opioids, you will likely not experience anything at all.
- Injectable naloxone is much less expensive than nasal spray, helping to stretch our precious healthcare (i.e. taxpayer) dollars